Saima Haq Speaks

The Ground Reality of persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Pakistan. Solving problems from a grassroots approach.

Don't be impressed by perfection but rather by the beauty of imperfection.
- Sh

Hi There!

I am an advocate, entrepreneur, special educator and writer who is striving to create new and meaningful initiatives using the wide range of expertise in the areas of special needs education and community building that I have gained throughout my career.

My journey has taken me from the founding of  Special Children’s Educational Institute (SCEI) in 1996, to the development of the ParentsPlus app in 2019, with a diversity of projects in between. I hope to continue to be a catalyst of positive change for special children and their families, and to work toward their integration into a supportive social network.  

The Ground Reality of persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Pakistan.  Solving problems from a grassroots approach.

Children with intellectual disabilities, and their parents, continue to face unending problems in many parts of the world.  Social stigma and limited resources prevent families from getting the help and support children need to develop to their potential. Therefore, Institutions such as SCEI create greater awareness through advocacy as well as provide a platform that maintains international professional practices and ethics. 

But awareness is not the same as knowledge. Educating parents is the key to the effectiveness of any resources one avails for their child.  We have a growing number of resources yet we fall behind in the basic expectations.  What we need is a grassroots approach to the simple answers and the ability to enable effective parenting to maximize their child’s potential.

Woman Empowerment and what it means in Real Life.

Women in Pakistan face many challenges.  From not getting education equal to their male counterparts, to facing discrimination, biases and harassment, the challenges never end at letting them down. Women empowerment can mean something different for everyone.  Women get education to the best of their abilities. They change society's expectations of them and go out into the world. Women work whatever profession they want to, break the glass ceiling and get equal pay. They share their duties at home with the men in their lives. They are not just daughters and mothers and sisters, but individuals of their own accord.

Real stories from real women will shed light on why Woman Empowerment is the need of the hour.

Technology after 50: Turning Experience into Ideas.

Millennials are who come to mind when we think of solving the problems of today through technology.

But who are the people facing the problems that require better solutions.  Problems in time management, simplified services, effective and efficient products, more accessability to information. We are known as the baby boomers. We used everything from Reel Projectors to VCR’sweve been working from before millennials were even born. 

50 years can bring immense experience in any field and the key to turning that experience into practical ideas is allowing yourself to imagine, dream and dream big. So add all of that to Imagination and be open to new ideas. New culture. New technology. You’ve made it to the top of the hill all you need to stay there.

Work with Saima

Learn from Saima’s experience overcoming cultural and financial limitations to provide educational sustainability in the most challenging student population.


What they are saying!

Sam Aunty is one of the most enthusiastic and committed individuals I have had the honor of interacting with. Her focus on continuous improvement and innovation sets her apart in her endeavors. Her commitment to the betterment of special education and inclusivity is exemplary and it has been a great learning experience to have worked with her.

Madiha Mohammed Najib

M.S.Ed International Educational Development 

Reading the texts of  her poems introduces us to a new and remarkable
dimension of  Saima's persona . We were previously aware of her keen interest
in education and social uplift . But the poems reflect a deep , authentic
concern for the historic biases suffered by girls and women in South Asia, and in most parts of Pakistan even today in the 21st century.

Javed Jabbar

Author,  Journalist